Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Facts About Organic Food

About 20 different types of chemical pesticides have been used to grow non-organic produce. Traces of these chemicals are found on the produce that you eat.

Organically grown fruits and vegetables have richer levels of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Some organic produce have four to eight times more nutritional value than the non-organic ones.

Organic fruits and vegetables give your liver and kidney less stress than the non-organic ones. These organs do not need to work harder to expel the chemical toxins that come from the pesticides and chemicals found in most non-organic produce.

Consuming organic produce will encourage more farmers to grow their produce the organic way. This will in turn help our environment and save our fragile earth.

Organic farming will not harm the natural water resource ecological system. Our streams, rivers, seas and oceans will have the opportunity to recuperate and return to their natural healthy condition.

Organic farming also helps the animals that live in the wild. They are not affected by the pollution and their natural habitats are not poisoned by pesticides and herbicides.

Organic farmers use natural defensive methods to prevent their crops from being destroyed by pests. Such methods also enhance the environment and the surrounding areas where the organic crops are grown.

Organic produce are the closest to the original produce created by God. The nutritional value of these organic produce is at the its optimum levels.

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